
This competition is now over.

UQreview has teamed up with BOUNCEinc to give you the chance to win a free 1-hour session pass for you and 5 friends simply by leaving a review. Find out more about BOUNCE by visiting or watching this video.

Here’s what you need to know about the competition:

1) One approved review = one entry.

a) You can enter as many times as you like. Your review must meet our review guidelines and be approved by our moderators.


2) You must post your review(s) with a valid UQ student email address.

a) We want to still give you the option to remain anonymous, so you don’t need to use a name. Once your review is approved, your email will be put into a secured database and detached from your review.

b) You can use either your name email address (e.g. or your ID email address (e.g. – this one is more anonymous!).


3) This promotion runs from 01/11/14 until 01/12/14.

a) The winner will be announced on 08/12/2014 via our Facebook page. If the winner does not claim their prize within one week of the announcement, a second winner will be announced.

b) All reviews before and after the promo period will not go in to the draw, but the reviews will still help out your fellow students.

For the full legal mumbo jumbo spiel check out our Full Competition Terms & Conditions.

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