AUDL7800 – Acoustics & Psychoacoustics in Audiology
The basic physical properties of sound & how it is...
AUDL7800The basic physical properties of sound & how it is...
AUDL7800Provides students with theoretical & practical framework from which to conduct paediatric...
AUDL7808Practice of clinical audiology skills under professional supervision in an audiology practice....
AUDL7812Introduction to the practice of audiology with emphasis on basic audiological assessments and...
AUDL7821An introduction to the structure function & disorders of the auditory...
AUDL7822Clinical practice in audiology in a range of settings and professional and ethical issues...
AUDL7824The normal processes of communication the effects of hearing impairment on communication & the...
AUDL7825Methods of analysis of data in the health sciences & principles of design of experiments....
HRSS3100The aim of this course is to provide undergraduate students in Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, and...
HRSS3200Determination of research problems relevant to allied health, interpretation & use of scientific...
HRSS3201Implementation of research project (selection of participants, appropriate test instruments/tools,...
HRSS4100Information from the basic & applied clinical disciplines used to provide a holistic perspective on...
HRSS4109Introduction of principles, methods & skills for evidence-based practice, with specific relevance...
HRSS4200First stage of implementing a research project from research protocol developed in HRSS7808...
HRSS7800Interpretation of data & preparation of a scientific article in a form suitable for submission to a...