
ANTH3140 – Advanced Research Topics in Anthropology

Lecturer Dr Yancey Orr
Course Link UQ Site
Faculty HASS
Prerequisites #8 of Anthropology courses
Contact Hours 3 Contact hours
Semester(s) Taught Semester 2
Course Units 2
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Total average


Learning Materials ( 99 )
Learning Activities ( 99 )
Blackboard Management ( 99 )
Course Content ( 99 )
Course Structure ( 99 )
Contact Availability ( 100 )
Course Difficulty ( 100 )

Reviews (1)

ANTH3140 – Advanced Research Topics in Anthropology 99.3

This course was challenging, and required a lot of student input, but was one of the most valuable courses I undertook throughout my degree. The topics were all interesting, and the readings were complex, but over the course of the semester my ability to comprehend, critically analyse and talk about the literature improved to a large extent. Dr Orr is a highly engaging teacher, and while the format of the class was initially a little intimidating, Dr Orr created an environment of enthusiastic and animated discussion. The consistent assessment throughout the course meant that I was able to track my progress and clearly see my writing improving. This course, perhaps more than any other, prepared me for my Honours year and helped to build an important skill-set.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2014

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?

Yes - lecture and tutorial are rolled into one and student participation is vital for the success of the course

Is the textbook necessary?

No textbook, readings are pdfs

Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on December 8, 2016 1:47 pm

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