

Total average


Learning Materials ( 100 )
Learning Activities ( 100 )
Blackboard Management ( 100 )
Course Content ( 100 )
Course Structure ( 100 )
Contact Availability ( 92 )
Course Difficulty ( No data )

Reviews (1)

BIOL2001 – Australia’s Terrestrial Environment 98.7

This was one of the most amazing courses I studied whilst at UQ. It was extremely informative, interesting, and interactive. Dr. Salisbury was an excellent course coordinator, and each of the teaching staff (lecturers and tutors) were helpful and friendly. Having studied Commerce subjects with mostly economics electives, this was a very different yet enjoyable subject.

Lectures were one hour three times a week, with about four tutorials throughout the semester to recap information and practice exam questions.
All lectures were posted to Blackboard beforehand, with Lectopia available for each lecture.

  • Multiple lecturers teaching their specialist areas.
  • Fantastic field trips - Fraser Island not to be missed.
  • Learn about Brisbane and the local environment.
  • One lecturer failed to turn up twice, but that said, she was very apologetic.
Posted on February 16, 2014 12:19 pm

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