
BIOM3200 – Biomedical Science

Lecturer Dr Stuart Mazzone
Course Link UQ Site
Faculty MABS
Prerequisites BIOL2200 + STAT1201 + (BIOM2012 or BIOM2020 or BIOL2202 or BIOM2402 or BIOM2208 or MICR2000)
Contact Hours 6 Contact hours
Semester(s) Taught Semester 2
Course Units 2
Submit reviewView reviews (1)


Total average


Learning Materials ( 75 )
Learning Activities ( 70 )
Blackboard Management ( 47 )
Course Content ( 48 )
Course Structure ( 45 )
Contact Availability ( 30 )
Course Difficulty ( 30 )

Reviews (1)

Miguel ramirez
BIOM3200 – Biomedical Science 49.3

Course is boring. A variety of guess lecturers presented diverse topics, which might be of interest to people in the field of biomedical sciences... Feedback about the assignments were scarce and too delayed. The course is sai to emulate what you might face in a real lab, but this is not exactly true; you are assigned a particular gene an need to write a proposal on it; you are basically told what they want you do to, leaving no place for creativity and actual science to happen.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2014

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • Easy course to complete, can be used to boost your GPA
  • Guidance on the assigment is provided
  • Badly organized tutorials, walking between buildings often required
  • Not enough tutors, often waited the whole 3 hours to talk for 2 minutes with a tutor
  • Feedback about the assigment take for ever and most of the assigment don't even give feedback about the work done, apart from the actual marks( which come months later
Posted on December 4, 2014 12:01 pm

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