

Total average


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Learning Activities ( 81 )
Blackboard Management ( 92 )
Course Content ( 93 )
Course Structure ( 88 )
Contact Availability ( 96 )
Course Difficulty ( 90 )

Reviews (2)

BIOM3401 – Systems Pharmacology 97.1

Great course. Maybe I'm bias because I like pharmacology but 3401 is way better than 2402 and everyone should take it. It is a hard course so don't take it for free marks but what you gain from the course is great. 2015 had a change in lecture content (IN A GOOD WAY) and it is honestly one of the most flawless subjects SBMS offers. Professor Minchin and Manchadi are great coordinators and passionate about their subject and it shows. Lecture content is great. Downsides about this course is organ baths (no one likes that shit, even the course coordinators). Organ baths were unavoidable due to the course size. Pracs are relevant but just there is a big potential to screw up your results and have to borrow other people's for you reports. One tip for anyone is become friends with your prac cohort because you will most likely be asking them for results. For many third years this is there first introduction to essay questions and open book exams and it is scary so don't worry if you fuck up your midsem, just learn. Overall great course, only downside was practicals but you will still have fun in them.

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2015

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Is the textbook necessary?


  • Great content
  • Exams are straightfoward
  • Exceptional course coordinators
  • Practical and report
  • Amount of content needed for final can be worrying
Posted on June 20, 2015 9:29 pm
BIOM3401 – Systems Pharmacology 85.0

Possibly one of the most challenging but interesting and engaging course I have done at UQ. Each of the lecturers is brilliant at teaching their respective field with Dr Cheesman being the weakest of them all simply because he admitted that he didn't know how some of the drugs worked beyond what he had on the slides, but even he was brilliant in his teaching. The standout by far was Professor Minchin who delivers extremely interesting lecturers on toxicology. Dr Paravacini and Dr Manchadi are also fantastic but they can lack information and have too much information on their slides respectively. The content is incredibly interesting and the vast majority of the content is clinical; a very good subject if you are considering medicine as Professor Minchin confirmed that you learn all of these drugs in medicine but they are taught quickly so learning it now saves you learning it later.

The subject is also open book but don't let that fool you! The exams are very difficult if you just go in expecting regurgitation, my cohort did that and walked out with an average mark on the mid semester of 33/60. After our disastrous performance they really articulated HOW to answer the questions properly however so the final was much easier.

The pracs are also very interesting as you pick your own drug to use on rat uterus or ileum so you really feel like you are undertaking an actual scientific experiment as you are designing the protocol and the marking is more fair I felt than BIOM2402. Overall this was a fantastic course which, whilst challenging, is possible to do well in if you put in the work and offers a great understanding of how many common drugs operate in the body, how they treat diseases, and what the potential side effects of the medications are.

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2014

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • Very Clinical and relevant for medicine
  • All lecturers are excellent
  • Pracs are actually engaging
  • Exams are quite difficult
  • Open book can make study seem unnecessary
Posted on July 31, 2014 10:14 pm

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