

Total average


Learning Materials ( 37.3 )
Learning Activities ( 36.7 )
Blackboard Management ( 51.7 )
Course Content ( 48 )
Course Structure ( 40 )
Contact Availability ( 42.3 )
Course Difficulty ( 88.3 )

Reviews (3)

CHEE3005 – Reaction Engineering 76.4

Actually taken Semester 2 2018

Overall the course was very intellectually stimulating as it ties together multiple concepts from previous courses. The actual course content itself was very interesting and relevant, making it easy to find the motivation required to succeed in the course. The workload for the course is quite intense, practically an assessment item due each week. The assessment can be quite challenging, in particular the problem sets and examinations. The practicals in this course support the lecture content nicely, however the time required for lab reports are a little ridiculous considering the low weighting (like 3% each). In summary, the course was very stimulating and relevant to the degree, however it also requires a great deal of attention to stay on top of the heavy workload.

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2017

Your program/major

BE (Chem/Bio)

Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • Engaging
  • Relevant Content
  • Easy Final Exam
  • High Workload
Posted on December 1, 2018 10:03 am
CHEE3005 – Reaction Engineering 36.7

The worst thing about the presentation of this course was that the subject material, if properly presented, could be really fascinating, even if the maths is a bit hard to do. It delves into the physics involved in the operation of chemical reactors and teaches you some really valuable skills regarding mass and energy balances. It was just as if this particular course was designed to undermine you.

The problem sets were impossible to do, worked examples were sparse and almost everyone failed the first midsemester exam (There are two, naturally). The second midsemester, on the contrary, contained two questions that most people could do in their sleep, and one question about work we were supposed to cover the following week. The final exam was ridiculous as well, but I expected it to be, so I wasn't too fazed. The tutors were super helpful and competent, but it didn't really help as they simply couldn't cover all the problems we were having with the work.

My advice for people forced into taking this course would be to try to attend the lectures and tutorials, even if you think they are worthless (Most people kind of just gave up on them until only about 10-20 people were attending the lectures). Start early on your problem sets, and never ever ever ever give up. This course is a test of your tenacity as an engineer, so throw everything you've got at it and just get it over with.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2014

Your program/major

Chemical Engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • The satisfaction you get from not failing.
  • Numerous
Posted on January 31, 2015 5:49 pm
CHEE3005 – Reaction Engineering 34.4

Suresh destroys any hope of succeeding in this course. He seems bitter at the world for losing his head of school position and finds pleasure in punishing the students taking this course. Would be a great subject with a better lecturer

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2014

Your program/major

Chemical Engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


Positives No positive points
  • Suresh Bhatia
Posted on January 23, 2015 12:20 pm

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