
CHEE4012 – Industrial Wastewater & Solid Waste Management

Lecturer Dr Stefano Freguia
Course Link UQ Site
Faculty EAIT
Prerequisites CHEM1020 + (CHEE2003 or CIVL3130 or CIVL2131 or MINE2101)
Contact Hours 5 Contact hours
Semester(s) Taught Semester 2
Course Units 2
Submit reviewView reviews (2)


Total average


Learning Materials ( 53.5 )
Learning Activities ( 55 )
Blackboard Management ( 37.5 )
Course Content ( 61.5 )
Course Structure ( 54.5 )
Contact Availability ( 72.5 )
Course Difficulty ( 56 )

Reviews (2)

CHEE4012 – Industrial Wastewater & Solid Waste Management 80.9

This course was well run for the first half of the semester, Stefano does a fantastic job of teaching the content, as well as promoting positive discussion. Working in Wastewater and Sewerage over my Christmas break made me realise how beneficial this course is, if you are ever wanting to get into the industry. Overall a good course and always interesting content.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2016

Your program/major

Chemical Engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?

Not Necessary, but Encouraged

Is the textbook necessary?

Everything is Usually Provided

Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on December 19, 2016 10:47 am
CHEE4012 – Industrial Wastewater & Solid Waste Management 30.7

For wastewater treatment (first part of the course), the learning materials provided extremely substandard. The slides were too vague and overloaded with information - much of the information was not even important for the final exam or to answer questions. Many of the equations that we needed to make calculations were not even mentioned in the slides - you notice this when going through example questions. Unlike other courses where you can be sure that something has definitely been taught to you by looking at the slides, you will often have to look to other sources such as the textbook to explain things in better detail - but this is not ideal because the prescribed textbook goes way too in depth and it's not clear what you're meant to know.

The lectures for solid waste (second half of the course) were very uninteresting as the lecturer spent most of the time reading the slides instead of going through examples. However, the second lecturer did a better job at making sure exam questions he asked were directly related to what he taught.

The tutorials weren't really that useful for me. Lectures are not recorded which is really annoying. Probably one of the most worst courses I have ever taken in terms of learning experience and organisation.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2016

Your program/major

Chemical Engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?

Not really

Is the textbook necessary?


  • Final exam is open book
  • Really disorganised course and slides are incomplete
  • Uninteresting content
Posted on November 9, 2016 11:19 pm

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