It's been a while since I've taken this course but I'm going to try to give as much of a recount as I can.
Don't get me wrong this course is hard. The first two assignments are gross but not too bad, but it's the third one that'll get you. I don't think I ever attended any of the lectures after the first week since I found the lecturer not too exciting. I had also taken SCIE1000 the semester before and thought I was hot-stuff going into this course but the of course the content that you learn is quite different between SCIE1000 and CSSE1001, and I soon learned that I was not hot-stuff haha.
My personal description of this course ever since I did it is that it is difficult but not impossible. You'll get the assignments and work through them and think 'there's no way that I can do this' but in the end you'll have completed quite substantial - that is if you put in the work for it. I didn't dedicate my whole life to it and I wouldn't say I was a perfect student but just chipping away everyday is definitely helpful.
The advice you'll always get from people who took this course is START EARLY! Start the assignments early, go to as many pracs as you need/can. I would also recommend trying to get to the earlier sessions too. Since it's less likely that heaps of people will attend an 8am session, there is more time for the tutors help since there are less students. The tutors do make a difference and I think that some of them genuinely try to help each individual person and others just want to knock through as many names on the request list as possible (this is where you put your name in an online list and is what the tutors refer to when they are going to help people since the whole 'putting your hand up' thing doesn't work too well with the size that the classes get to and the length of time you'd wait with your hand up - it makes it fair, but if it gets busy, it makes it hard to predict if you'll have a question in the future to put your name into the list. I hope you get the what I mean because it's hard to explain in writing). And please, please, please make use of the test code. I didn't know about this until a few days before the first assignment was due but it'll help you so much when you're trying to figure out what's going on. The third assignment was the only one that didn't have test code because it was so big. For the third assignment, I would recommend to do as many little things as possible because it'll add up.
When you ask questions, the advice I was given (and agree and thus share) is that you want to be direct with your questions. This is something that I struggled with because I never really liked asking for help in general and so was never good at asking questions. However, I would say if you're stuck with something, try to figure out what exactly isn't working/try to find the root. Try to fix the errors that showing up and maybe put comments in the code of what you tried so that you have some thought process to look back on when you ask the tutors. So don't just say 'it's not working' y'know?
With the mypytutor, just do it. It's easy marks and if you get stuck, try to get steady, grounded logic and real life examples when you ask the tutors so that you have an understanding of the logic behind the code, instead of just writing code, doing trial and error, and then not completely understanding why the answer was the answer. Also try to get ahead on this as much as possible so that it's out of the way.
The exam is no problem, easy-peezy. But this is also where you want your logical understanding of why things do what they do.