
DECO2800 – Design Computing Studio 2 – Testing & Evaluation

Lecturer Dr Jim Steel
Course Link UQ Site
Faculty EAIT
Prerequisites (DECO1800 or ENGG1200) + (CSSE2002 or INFS2200)
Contact Hours 1 Lecture hour, 4 Contact hours
Semester(s) Taught Semester 2
Course Units 2
Submit reviewView reviews (2)


Total average


Learning Materials ( 67.5 )
Learning Activities ( 90 )
Blackboard Management ( 87.5 )
Course Content ( 87.5 )
Course Structure ( 70 )
Contact Availability ( 100 )
Course Difficulty ( 70 )

Reviews (2)

DECO2800 – Design Computing Studio 2 – Testing & Evaluation 84.3

Super fun course, despite being a little bit fragmented in the lecture to practical component. The theory itself is incredibly useful and important to understand, despite being mind numbing. The course makes a vague effort to relate it to the practical project throughout the semester but fails to do so convincingly. The truly fun aspect of the course comes from building the game and relaxed feel to the studio sessions. It's a very good subject to take as far as learning and working in teams goes.The course doesn't use blackboard basically at all but uses Slack where tutors are basically available 24/7.

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2017

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • Fun
  • Important theory
  • A lot of support
  • Theory is boring
  • Hope you dont get a bad team
Posted on February 12, 2018 3:20 pm
DECO2800 – Design Computing Studio 2 – Testing & Evaluation 79.3

This is a really fun course, for the most part. It's supposed to cover a lot of theory (which is taught in the lectures), but almost none of that is used in the project. Then you get to the final exam and you have to watch all through the lectures and everything. I'd probably suggest going to lectures for that reason.

The design patterns portion of the course is also something I'd suggest paying attention to. It's not signposted particularly well, but if your code doesn't make use of patterns, you lose a significant amount of marks so knowing/using patterns is super helpful. In fact, as I was studying patterns for the final, I kept thinking of ways I could have used them in my code (they would have made it so much better).

Overall, I'd suggest doing it if you get the chance.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2016

Your program/major

Software Engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?

Sort of

Is the textbook necessary?

Not for the course, but you should definitely get the Design Patterns book

  • You're making a game
  • Interesting content (git, patterns etc)
  • Lots of memes
  • Theory isn't really related to a lot of the project
  • It's a team project on steroids
Posted on December 10, 2016 9:36 am

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