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Reviews (1)

ECON3520 – International Macroeconomics 30.7

This course was one of the more straight forward third year econ courses and I would recommend the course. The lecturer was quite disorganised and spoke very fast so at times students felt confused as to what topic we were covering as the learning activities outlined in the ECP was not followed. Lecture recordings weren't always available and the textbook proved incredible important for the course to clear up a lot of theories for the mundell fleming and monetary models. The two assignments had quite a few reading to get through and was around 2000 words, however everyone seemed to get a high 6 and the second assignment was word for word the same as the 2013 assignment... The final exam was very similar to 2010 - 2013 past papers when Sinchan taught the course and we were provided with the marking guide for the 2013 paper upon request. Since there are no tutorials, consult was your only avenue to clear up anything you needed.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2014

Your program/major

Accounting and International Trade and Finance

Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • easy
  • not much work
  • same as prior years
  • disorganised
  • confusing
  • repetitive
Posted on November 16, 2014 11:36 am

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