
ELEC2004 – Circuits, Signals & Systems

Lecturer Dr Rahul Sharma
Course Link UQ Site
Faculty EAIT
Prerequisites ELEC1000 or ENGG1300
Contact Hours 3 Lecture hours, 1 Tutorial hour, 1 Practical or Laboratory hour
Semester(s) Taught Semester 2
Course Units 2
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Total average


Learning Materials ( 76.8 )
Learning Activities ( 60 )
Blackboard Management ( 60.8 )
Course Content ( 76 )
Course Structure ( 64 )
Contact Availability ( 51.2 )
Course Difficulty ( 69.8 )

Reviews (5)

ELEC2004 – Circuits, Signals & Systems 82.9

Rahul has done a good job with my semester. Although his tone sounds a bit monotonous, going to the lecture is what would benefit you the most in this course. Tutorials are very important too as they go through tutorial questions that could come out for the mid-sems or finals.

Mid sem can be pretty easy if you pay attention to the lectures and understand its content. These are one of the few exams where full marks is possible with enough hard work put in.

Practical project was pretty interesting though initially most if not all students usually head in with no clue of what to do. Not to mention, the stuff that we need to know to attempt the project gets taught only in the later part of the course when you have only about 1 more prac to complete the circuit design. Nonetheless, the tutors are there to help so feel free to ask them as many questions as you need to.

Finals used to have pages of mathematics just to solve a couple of questions but now I suppose the learning objectives has changed from then. Instead, my finals tested more heavily on how well we've understood the concepts taught during the second part of the course and then applying it accordingly. (Notably, remembering some concepts from the circuits part of the course was useful for shortcuts)

Overall, the course was really great and would serve as a firm foundation for future courses so it's important to learn as much as you can from this course.

*I did this in 2019 semester 2 but there was no option for this

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2017

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • Tutorials are very useful
  • Lecture slides are very useful
  • Clueless about project when doing it
Posted on November 27, 2019 4:42 pm
ELEC2004 – Circuits, Signals & Systems 91.6

(course actually taken in 2019 sem 1)

Overall quite a good course. The first half covers circuit, and is very similar to engg1300. However, don't be fooled into thinking its just revision - there is plenty of new content (especially if you haven't done elec2003). The second half of the course covers signals and systems, and is a much more interesting part of the course. Alot of the content in the second half is applied to circuit examples, as circuits is one of the learning objectives of the course.

The pracs feel very stressful and rushed since most people had completely forgotten how lab equipment works, so make sure your knowledge of oscilloscopes and components is up to scratch before your first prac.

The design challenge is quite interesting and you learn quite a bit. The assignments are a helpful learning tool and aren't too hard. All in all a good course. Rahul is a very good lecturer, however, he can be a tad monotone at times.

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2017

Your program/major

Electrical and Biomedical Engg

Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?

No, but it is helpful for clarification on some topics.

  • Rahul is a good lecturer
  • The second half of the course is good. The first half hones your circuit analysis skills
  • Design challenge is quite good
  • Pracs are a bit hard, and time management is important
  • First half of the course is a bit boring
Posted on November 7, 2019 9:11 pm
ELEC2004 – Circuits, Signals & Systems 53.1

This course is divided into 2 parts, the first of which is largely revision of previous courses like ELEC2003 and ENGG1300. This part of the course, delivered by Olav Krause, is assessed in the mid-semester exam which doesn't change much from year to year.

The second part of the course covers some
basic systems and signal theory, and gives some practical grounding to the Laplace Transform and Fourier Series learned in MATH2010 (from this point of view, it is really just a course in applied mathematics).

The design challenge report is an interesting assessment item you begin around the middle of semester. You only get 3 Prac sessions to work on it, so time management is really important.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2014

Your program/major

Electrical engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?

No, but Rahul tends to use the whiteboard, so the second half is probably best to attend.

Is the textbook necessary?

At the least a pdf as this is where problems are taken from.

  • Content is straightforward
  • Assessment is well spread out
  • First half of the course is quite dry
Posted on November 26, 2014 9:08 pm
ELEC2004 – Circuits, Signals & Systems 41.4

The way the course is set up is that there are two lectures each week; one 2 hours long, the other 1 hour long. The content is good but there the way it was taught by Olav was bad, he basically just stated what it was and wen through some theory which few understood/cared as it was a lot easier to learn the concepts by yourself going through exercises. There is also a one hour tutorial which is the most useless contact hour ever as they work through barely relevant circuits that are much harder then anything encountered throughout the rest of the course. The practicals focus on a different section of the course but end up crossing over the lecture content, these are generally the better part of the course however the tutors can be a mixed bag. Overall, the structure was poor for the course as contact hours could be spent more wisely not attending anything and working through the course in your own time.

The course is easier then most engineering courses which is good as most often students take this in conjunction with ENGG2800 and CSSE2310 which demand a lot of time and effort. The content for the course is important but the examinations are easy. The problems journals would be helpful in learning how to do things except most students opt for copying it out as the amount of questions that need to be answered to get full marks gets a little ridiculous, it would be better if there were less questions as students would learn

Now for the part of the course that was TERRIBLE, the communication. So many things went wrong with regards to date and marking due to various communication errors among tutors and lecturers. The dates for submission of things were wrong along with inconsistent marking among tutors and missing results/grades. The only saving grace was Dr. Rahul who tried hard to fix these problems.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2014

Your program/major

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?

Need a version to do problem journals

  • Easy
  • Poorly Taught
  • Communication is terrible
  • Contact Hours Useless
Posted on November 20, 2014 2:09 pm
ELEC2004 – Circuits, Signals & Systems 56.7

The first half of the course seemed pointless, the stuff you spend time learning and techniques you apply are completely disregarded when they finally get to the good stuff in week 6/7. The course is basically applied maths with a tiny bit of practical stuff, but that was not prepared too well. Tutes were pretty lame. Overall useful course, learn a lot of stuff and the workload is not huge, material is straightforward. Final exams haven't really changed so no problems there.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2013

Your program/major

BE Elec/Comp

  • Easy
  • The first half of the course
  • Tutes were useless - sheets and sessions
Posted on February 27, 2014 9:12 pm

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