
HPRM1000 – Physical Activity & Health

Lecturer Norman Ng
Course Link UQ Site
Faculty HABS
Prerequisites None
Contact Hours 2 Lecture hours, 1 Tutorial hour
Semester(s) Taught Semester 1
Course Units 2
Submit reviewView reviews (3)


Total average


Learning Materials ( 63.7 )
Learning Activities ( 52.3 )
Blackboard Management ( 80 )
Course Content ( 38.7 )
Course Structure ( 81 )
Contact Availability ( 82.7 )
Course Difficulty ( 1 )

Reviews (3)

HPRM1000 – Physical Activity & Health 41.7

Very easy course to do in first year with more difficult courses to boost your GPA. Lecture attendance is not necessary, and if the tutorials weren't graded either they wouldn't be necessary. The assignments are too easy and quite difficult to do poorly on them. Most of the content is common sense.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2015

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


  • Easy course
  • Easy assignments
  • Boring
Posted on February 7, 2016 5:57 pm
HPRM1000 – Physical Activity & Health 74.0

HPRM1000, the one subject where everybody turns up to the first lecture and then the numbers slowly diminish. He talks about how 500 are trying to fit into advanced engineering but slowly there is just enough to fill the front section. But why does this happen? BECAUSE WHO THE HELL WANTS TO GO TO A TERRIBLE SUBJECT AT 5PM to 7PM ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THERE IS CHEAP DRINKS TO HAVE THAT NIGHT! but seriously, I would go if it was any other time. the tutorial is alright but still thank god it is only an hour.

Semester taken

  • Good tutors
  • Terrible time
  • Boring
Posted on May 29, 2014 8:23 pm
HPRM1000 – Physical Activity & Health 76.7

Really easy first year course, GPA booster. The lectures are quite dry so unless you are interested in studies on physical activity it will be hard to concentrate. 5 items of assessment are straight forward. It is possible to get great marks in the first four assignments as they are based on your own ability to look up information. Final exam is somewhat similar in regards to basic understanding of how physical activity is good for you. Overall great course to do well in, but not interesting to all.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2013

Your program/major

Exercise and Nutrition

  • GPA booster
  • Assessment is easy and straightforward
  • Lectures can be boring
Posted on March 1, 2014 10:02 am

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