
Dr Badin Gibbes

Faculty Civil Engineering
Courses Taught CIVL2130, CIVL4560, CIVL4580, CIVL4582
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Total average


Helpfulness ( 54 )
Clarity ( 68.5 )
Easiness ( 45 )
Approachability ( 81 )
Organisation ( 54 )
Availability ( 45.5 )

Reviews (2)

Dr Badin Gibbes 43.2

Overall I found this course difficult. The assessment item requirements were un-realistic in terms of the body of work for the result. Considering the group assignment would have taken a combined 100+ hours to complete, the reward was not proportional to this effort. Secondly, the mid-semester exam was extremely difficult and it was as if the lecturer made an effort to 'trick' all the students. He did so successfully with probably an average of around 6/20 for the mid-semester exam. Overall, the subject CIVL3141 taught by Badin will no longer be taught in the future as the course is getting discarded, which is probably a good thing.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on November 18, 2021 11:56 am
Jessy Gleeson
Dr Badin Gibbes 72.8

Dr Badin Gibbes is an excellent lecturer. Informative and practical in his use of words. He understands the problems that undergraduate engineers face during their time at uni and helps to alleviate any problems.

He always relates back to his field experience giving us not only an academic point of view but also real world situations.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on February 28, 2014 12:54 pm

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