
Ms Diane Zetlin

Faculty Political Science
Courses Taught POLS2603, POLS3504, POLS3511
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Helpfulness ( 7 )
Clarity ( 8.7 )
Easiness ( 17 )
Approachability ( 10.3 )
Organisation ( 17.7 )
Availability ( 8.7 )

Reviews (3)

Ms Diane Zetlin 16.7

You know the stereotypical history teacher who manages to be intensely boring while describing long and bloody wars? Well, at least he was probably helpful and an objective marker under his paralyzingly boring lecture style.

This is an incredibly interesting subject, taught in a really muddled and unhelpful way. Because there is virtually no clarity as to what Diane is looking for in assessment, it's nearly impossible to do well. As a result, this subject single-handedly dragged down my GPA. She is often late to class, only responds to emails that aren't directly relevant to the subject material, and her feedback is appallingly unhelpful and completely subjective. She is a hard marker, and pieces of work that other (read: more competent and more interesting) lecturers would have graded far higher, she barely passes.

The best aspect of this course were the tutorials, but when the most enjoyable aspect of the course is only worth 10%, the subject is not worth doing. She was unhelpful when it mattered, and clarity was virtually non-existent. She expects assessment to reflect something very specific, but she never explains enough for it to be comprehensible. Resultantly, unless you're psychic, you're probably not going to do very well.

If you want to take an interesting subject with a boring, unhelpful and confusing lecturer that will destroy your 6.25 average, by all means, take this one.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
  • No clarity, unhelpful
  • Monotonous lecturing style
  • Hard marker
Posted on May 4, 2016 10:51 am
Ms Diane Zetlin 1.0

I dearly wish anyone but this woman was in charge of a subject that is sadly compulsory for anyone doing the Peace and Conflict Studies major or minor. The major essay was due in week 6 by which point we hadn't even covered half the information needed to complete it. Tutorials only started in Week 4 and by the time we got the 'get to know you crap out of the way, the paper was already due.

I got completely stuck on my topic since the timeframe means you have to pick one without really knowing what you're getting into. I realised that I chose badly and was completely stuck so I reached out to Diane for help and was completely blown off. All she did was tell me to 'have a good think about it', as if I hadn't already done that. When I wrote back telling her that I have an presented her with what I did have so far, she just ignored me.

Extremely disappointing since in every single other POLS subject I have, the course coordinator has been more than willing to meet with students and talk through their essays with them. I have never had a lecturer treat me like a 'inconvenience' the way Diane did.

I ended up only getting a 4 on my essay when in 3 years of taking POLS subjects, I've never gotten a score below a 6 before. This subject was a nasty blow to my GPA and I changed from a Peace and Conflict major to minor just to avoid having to take another compulsory course with her the following year.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
  • Unhelpful
  • Dismissive of students
Posted on April 7, 2016 11:39 pm
Ms Diane Zetlin 17.0

Honestly I have never been more disappointed in a course I have taken at UQ. I found the first few lecturers so broad and irrelevant, and then later in the semester, Diane wouldn't expand on some issues because "Well there is another course you can do next semester on it".
Overall the debates were good, however we missed 3 tutorials at the start of the semester and with out major (40%) essays due in week 6, we had limited chance to even discuss our essays, let alone receive any useful guidance or feedback.
After attempting to email her about being continually stood up by my tutor, Diane was frankly unhelpful in her response and did not wait to meet me as an alternative either.
I had the opportunity to talk to Diane once more, after essay results were published, and wanted clarification of marks. Honestly this was a waste of time. On the 2000 word essay I only received 4 comments, which is usually a good thing, however with this essay who knows where marks were taken / given... There wasn't even ticks where something was correct.
So basically I wanted to clarify with her the comments, only to be told the grade stood, and that I should have contacted the tutor and started earlier. Comments were not really constructive and I left feeling more frustrated that I would have if I just had not bothered.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
  • late to respond to emails
  • generally 'don't care about your problems'
Posted on May 21, 2015 3:01 pm

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