Best lecturer I have had so far in my university. EXPLAINS everything in a way that everyone understands without skipping a few simple points (hard for some) that would have made the content clueless for people like me. Honestly, had no problems with this proffessor, I think he did a really great job in teaching and wish him the best.
I guess he was really fast with the contents but try to made the content easy to understand by providing quick sketch of the problem. It was normal lectures as one would expect, he is very organised and there is only your pen following through the workbook pages as he he goes. I learnt most of the concepts by experimenting with plane, curve and sketching with some thought experiments which is however not possible to get from the lectures.
This review would not be the best to justify how knowledgeable he was but he showed some easy way to solve quite complicated workbook problems. It is advisable to ask your questions face to face. He usually give answer to your question quickly.
For further assistance try to solve more questions or seek assistant from the tutor to get more insight.
He is not the best lecturer ever that I came across but he is a good lecturer and a nice person.