
Dr Liza O’Moore

Faculty Civil Engineering
Courses Taught CIVL2360, CIVL4514, CIVL4516, ENGG1400
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Total average


Helpfulness ( 100 )
Clarity ( 96.7 )
Easiness ( 81.7 )
Approachability ( 99.7 )
Organisation ( 98.3 )
Availability ( 95 )

Reviews (3)

Dr Liza O’Moore 95.0

Her lectures were well organized and clear. Liza is very approachable and answers questions well.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • good lecture structure
  • good personality
  • Her lectures are understandable for first year students
  • lots of spelling errors
Posted on June 16, 2018 4:55 pm
Dr Liza O’Moore 90.7

Very fair, tough, approachable and talented lecturer.

Liza is able to explain theories and cover content in a way that was easy to follow and understand. Even then, she was willing and able to field questions and extra one-on-one work if you were having any trouble. She would, on a number of occasions schedule her free time to set up in the FYELC and help students who needed helping. Beware though, Liza has a stern approach to teaching - which is good if you're giving it a real good go; she will notice and help you accordingly. This same trait turns people away though, as they see her response as too much of a challenge to try harder than what they're currently putting in.

Liza was far from a dull lecturer, and a kind person. She will still recognise old students and stop for a chat/joke.

If you have to take ENGG1400, I recommend taking it in Semester 1 when she takes the Statics component.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Will provide supplementary material.
  • Kind and approachable (after coffee)
  • Overall nice person.
  • Can be blunt.
  • Doesn't hold back on harder content
Posted on July 16, 2014 4:35 pm
Dr Liza O’Moore 100.0

She's awesome. Explains things well. Very strict and serious, which means she cares about what she is teaching. Very approachable.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on June 28, 2014 2:56 pm

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