

Total average


Helpfulness ( 58 )
Clarity ( 65 )
Easiness ( 72.5 )
Approachability ( 61 )
Organisation ( 62.5 )
Availability ( 60 )

Reviews (2)

Dr Melissa Curley 95.5

Dr Curley is very informed, helpful and taught with clarity and professionalism. I enjoyed the class and was influenced by her teaching style and her unique perspectives on complex matters regarding International Relations in East Asia. I would take more classes at POLSIS with Dr Curley as either senior lecturer or course coordinator.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • professionalism
  • courtesy and respect
  • up to date on contemporary issues
Negatives No negative points
Posted on September 22, 2018 9:56 am
Dr Melissa Curley 30.8

It is difficult to describe the frustrations I had with Dr Curley as a lecturer, but I will try to be as balanced as possible.
On the plus side, she is personable, and does clearly possess a wealth of knowledge in her area of expertise (namely East Asia). She also demonstrates some enthusiasm for providing students with a depth of excellent material via reading lists and additional material posted throughout semesters (eg. links to videos, interviews), and that is a very valuable trait.
However, she also exhibits some frustrating tendencies as a lecturer that made the courses of hers I took a complete waste of time and money. Firstly, she seemed to exhibit repeated preferences for cutting corners; turnitin was not set up properly, all of the lecture recordings and slides were from the last year's course, she took over a month to release marks (despite only being short and not requiring moderation) and the material that she did present in class was overly descriptive, with little analytic/critical IR thought. I was impressed with the extensive reading list she provided to the class; and yet that was greatly diminished by her seeming reluctance to actually teach material herself. The course was overly simplistic, and if I had an alternative, I would've opted out. Very sad and disappointed with this experience, and more so by the fact that, after speaking to colleagues, it does not seem to be in the minority. I understand that lecturers are faced with the burdensome challenges of a shrinking school budget, and in needing to deliver extensive research in tandem with teaching duties... but sadly she neglected the latter to the detriment of us all.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on May 1, 2015 3:32 pm

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