Good lecturer. Innovative. Well prepared notes that seem to get better every year, in addition to willingness to change lecturing style. One particular example, one year for COSC, he waited for people to answer questions to move on. This works for less than 30, but this particular year, there was over 100 enrolled, which meant he could be flooded with questions. The next year, he seems to invite people to think briefly and give the answer, meaning he wasn't flooded with questions as much.
His lectures are "alright". I found that his lectures require a certain amount of insight into the field, and when you have this insight, you really see the true beauty of the subject. Regularly discusses applications and others work (both recent and pass), which is a good thing rather than the static lectures like "MATH1051" which leads a mathematics (physics, anyone?) student a query of what can you actually research after this course.
May seem a bit unapproachable. He is approachable.
Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)
Good Lecture Notes
Actually tells you what research is in the field
Tries to get you thinking and doing rather than some alternatives
Makes very interesting conversations that distracts from the practical