Dr Poh Wah Hillock
Faculty | Maths & Physics |
Courses Taught | MATH1051 |
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Faculty | Maths & Physics |
Courses Taught | MATH1051 |
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Poh is an amazing lecturer. So helpful and so great at explaining and demonstrating. She offers so much additional help, and to add to that, the courses that I have taken from her have been brilliantly structured and the content was extremely well presented. She prepares her students well for assignments and exams, and she and her team are extremely responsive on the Ed discussion board to student inquiries. I cannot recommend her enough.
Poh = goated. (That means greatest of all time if you see this Poh). Simply the best. The reason I'm continuing my maths degree.
MATH1051, MATH1052
An all round great lecturer to have, really makes the transition from school to uni feel natural with her teaching
Math 1051 &1052
I have been at uni for too many years. Prof Poh is clearly THE best across all disciplines. I only wish i never rated anyone else highly. She raises every bar
I don't usually write reviews but since Poh inspires me so much, I figured I would drop one here. Her teaching skills are absolutely amazing, she can explain/break down a complicated concept and make it really simple to understand, super friendly/approachable and overall just an absolutely amazing person. From one of her Math1051 2020 students.
Hey Poh, if you see this, Hi :)
Poh is 100% the best lecturer so far. Can she please be given an honorary professorship? If Poh took all my future maths courses, I would be the happiest student in the world.
Absolutely the best lecturer in UQ, explains everything very well and clear. She also provides mountains of help and jam-packs blackboard with more resources than you could ever ask for.
MATH 1051, MATH 1052
Best lecturer ever, if you have her as a lecturer then your course is going to be great. Explains concepts easily and is very knowledgeable about her work. Clearly enjoys her work and is passionate about teaching.
If "just Poh dude" is not enough to justify the 100% then you need to take more courses with her lecturing. The woman lectures thousands of students yet actually remembers names. I attended her SLTs and sent her two emails over semester and she recognized my face by week 10. Always had a response to emails within 48 hours (most of the time within 24 though). Used every minute of lecture time and made you want to sit there for every minute of lecture time. Explanations were clear, analogies for genuinely funny/exciting. Introduced abstract applications into basic concepts to make you much more interested in the course content. SLTs literally passed me the course, you MUST go to them (for MATH1051). Literally the best teacher I have ever had.
Literally the best lecturer you will ever meet at university. Punctual, excited, enthusiastic, helpful and optimistic. The support learning tutorials (SLTs) are a MUST. You could sit down and think of something bad about her teaching and it just doesnt exist.
I'm an external student so I didn't go to any of the lectures but I asked some questions via email and her response time was crazy. Even on the weekends she replied within 2 hours and her answers were always very detailed and informative.
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Cheryl Terrell
Poh is the most helpful lecturer i have come across. Her care for students who are willing to stay behind for extra help is second to none.
thank you very much Poh.
She is one of the best lecturers that I've ever had. She is really helpful and she is teaching the maths contents the way that you can understand easily. She spent a lot of times with student to help them in SLT's and other help sessions. She is an amazing lecturer :-)
Maths1050, 1051
Poh is the package. An engaging lecturer, who can break down and communicate Mathematical concepts very well. She genuinely wants her students to succeed and is incredibly generous with her time and dedication towards her students. Poh is amazing!
Extremely helpful and dedicated! The hardest working lecturer I've come across and was a massive help in passing my MATH1051 course. The SLT workshops she ran were very useful,
Poh is an excellent lecturer. She is very organised so you always know what is coming up and what you have to do. She has heaps of oppourtunities to talk and get help if you need it and she genuinly wants her students to succeed. She's also super enthusiastic.
Fantastic lecturer, learnt the content really well and with ease.
Dr Hillock is pleasant to listen to and attentive to student's needs.
Poh as a lecturer is easily one of the best. She made me want to come to lectures.
Poh is an excellent lecturer. She lectures with great clarity despite the rather quick pace of MATH1051. Furthermore, the extra content she uploads on blackboard are super helpful; if you copy it down onto flashcards, it's useful for exam revision on long bus rides. Additionally, she seems to really want us to succeed in this course.
Although I have never personally seeked extra help from her, my classmates who did found her extremely helpful, especially in extra lessons during SWOTVAC.
Definitely my favorite lecturer at UQ! She's just a bundle of joy! Poh explained difficult concepts in a way that is easily understood by students. She provided extra problems for revision as well as pencasts (worked examples). I would retake this course just to have Poh as a lecturer again!
Absolute deadset angel.
I failed MATH1051 (I had a different lecturer). She has an optional and additional tutorial session every week with a group for those that may have struggled in the past. Poh will learn, and remember your name which shows she truly cares about your learning. Attending her sessions every week meant I was actually confident, heading into the final exam, that I would do well.
She provided an intense SWOTVAC tutorial schedule, every day for a couple hours to prepare for the final.
If you are taking a course taught even partly by Poh, take her advice and teachings as gospel.
Signed on to a different lecture stream for MATH1051, haven't seen Poh for 1 entire semester.
Couldn't understand anything my lecture said in the lectures.
Watched Poh's lecture recordings instead...for the entire semester
Attended Poh's exam revision lecture...
Haven't seen Poh for a whole semester, Poh calls out my name instantly when she saw me.
10/10 BEST Lecturer UQ
We need UQ Poh fan club RIGHT NOE!!!
MATH1051 without Poh :(
Had her in few of my maths courses (math1050, math1051, math1061). She is a great lecturer who teaches well, approaches the students personally and prepares relevant materials well.
I like how this has become a Poh fan page, but it's absolutely justified. My personal story: I didn't understand a particular concept and emailed Poh to ask for some help the night before the exam and past 9pm. A grand total of 22 mins later, she emailed me back a handwritten explanation/derivation of the concept + worked examples, then signed off wishing me luck and encouraging me to have an early night. How many lecturers would do this?!? Total legend, wonderful person, made MATH1051 one of my favourite courses - all praise Poh.
Poh is hands down one of the best lecturers at UQ. Period. By best i actually mean best in all aspects. She has everything you would want in a lecturer. She is caring, patient and she knows her stuff well. Very few lecturers will upload EVERY SINGLE piece of pen cast to the BB on time and fewer would take the time and compile revision exercises for students.
Unlike other lecturers who inevitably seem like they are teaching only because they are paid to do so, Poh actually CARES about you. You are not a student, a hole to be filled or a job to be done, to Poh, you are YOU. Not only does she remember almost everyones names, she acknowledges your presence and the fact that each every student has their own needs.
I love Poh for she cared for me like no other
Poh was something else. She had the ability to maximise the performance of a student and help her/him to achieve her/his full potential. A key attribute she possess, which I believe is very crucial (and rare) amongst uni lecturers, is her sincere care for her students. She would address you with your name and know exactly what you had trouble with last time you met her. She would always respond to your emails (in a cheerful manner :]), and try her best to help you; whether it be giving you extra problems to solve or other sources related to your problems.
If you're really struggling in MATH1051, make sure you attend her SLT-sessions! That could be a difference between you achieving a strong 7 or a bare 6.
MATH1051, MATH1061
Poh is an absolutely amazing example of what a top-university lecturer should be. Extremely helpful and approachable, Poh went above and beyond to ensure that we developed confidence in all areas and imparted her own enthusiasm onto me - which helped me look at the rest of my degree with less fear. I hope she will be lecturing in future courses of mine. With her wild photographic memory I'm sure she'd even remember me!
Note to UQ human resources: If Poh tries to leave, raise her pay scale!
MATH1051, MATH1061 (with Victor)
In short, this lecturer was excellent!
While in most other subjects lecturers take no real interest in you or your learning, Poh made an effort to try to remember not only everyones names, but everyones situation and where they are at in their learning.
A combination of her excellent lecturing style, well organised course, abundant, organised, and easily accessed online material, and obvious care for students education makes learning the difficult course she teaches manageable.
She makes sure to triple underline important things in the content, goes over common mistakes, and attempts to make lectures more interesting.
As well as this, she responds quickly and positively to emails and even provides an abundance of extra "HELP" lectures as well as optional daily tutorials with post-doc math students.
I am not totally sure of her background. I think she may have been a teacher before lecturing. This would explain much. The university would be a much better place and perform better generally if more were like her.
Most lecturers in my limited experience have done the bare minimum, and where their courses lack or where they have been lazy, they claim this to be intentional in order to somehow 'teach' the students something.
Not Poh! She goes above and beyond and although her course is still challenging, she provides us will all the tools we need to succeed if we take her cheerful and optimistic encouragement and just keep at it.
You know she is doing something right when students want to work hard and do well because they don't want to let her down.
Poh needs a promotion and should be paid to teach other lecturers how to do their job.
It's difficult to know where to start with Poh. I personally met her just once at the start of the course briefly to enquire about the extra help sessions and didn't see her again for quite some time. I was very surprised when I saw her again and I was addressed not only by name, but with "you were the one that..." followed by a summary of our meeting. I quickly learned that I was no exception, and she had made efforts to know each student not only by name, but by personal situation. Some students proclaimed that she had an "incredible photographic memory", while others would exclaim "I feel like I let Poh down" after the completion of less than stellar assessment pieces.
Personally I didn't share these feelings, at least not yet. I was between surprise and complete awe 100% of the time as lectures and special help sessions unfolded in front of me. Having been through the Australian tertiary education process twice previously (holding a Masters from UQ, and thankfully a few years of work before coming back), I was pretty comfortable with Lecturers who rarely acknowledged emails, had no idea who I was, and were merely pawns in my primarily self-driven learning program.
What Poh brought to the table was something I genuinely believed did not exist. A level of care for each student, a genuine desire to pick up the ones that were falling behind (even in scenarios I'd personally have written off as hopeless), and a brutally well-polished teaching regime to top it off. With very little previous calculus exposure I learned to tackle different integrations, tools to derive results of common trig functions and understand their origin, and for once someone had successfully taught me these things in short periods of time instead of long personal dates with Youtube and Wikipedia. When I struggled with a concept and emailed her, I expected to be directed to a discussion board or tutor/tutorial, but my emails were replied to with detailed worked solutions (to my specific problem) instead. I was awestruck, but then it occurred to me that it would have only taken 30 seconds of her time. I was so used to be flicked aside by lecturers that I expected it, this was almost an entirely new experience for me. I say almost, because Dr. Liza O'Moore (who lectured me the previous semester) shares the same concept of care / kindness that Dr. Poh does, and I really think this is something we don't see enough of.
In short, Poh to me was far more than just a good teacher. I consider myself a cynical person, but I am left with a changed perspective of what tertiary teaching is capable of being - and what it should be. To the lecturers out there reading this: let's look beyond our research topics for a second, beyond out-climbing our peers on the research paper / conference ladder. Let's remember for a second that a university is a teaching institute and there is some degree of responsibility to act as a teacher first and foremost.